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TRX Push Exercises

TRX is one of my favorite pieces of equipment in the gym. You would be hard pressed to find another piece of equipment that is as versatile and enables you to make some movements easier while making others much harder.

I also believe that including different forms of "mastery" in workout programs keeps you engaged. The TRX offers a lot of moves that require more skill development and improvement along the way which can not only often be fun but creates some engagement over the long term. This means staying excited to workout everyday and see improvements in not just your body but the skills involved.

Checkout the TRX Upper Body Push exercises in the video above and feel free to throw them together in a workout or circuit like either of the ones below:

TRX Upper Body Push Workout (Intermediate)

A1) TRX Single-Arm Press x8-12/side

A2) TRX Chest Press x8-12

A3) TRX Tricep Extensions x8-12 reps

--> Rest 60 seconds and then repeat for 2-3 more rounds. If looking for fat loss may also throw in 30 seconds of higher intensity cardio/sprinting in between rounds before resting

B1) Atomic Pushups x8-12 reps

B2) TRX Chest Fly x8-12 reps

--> Rest 60 seconds and then repeat for 2-3 more rounds. If looking for fat loss may also throw in 30 seconds of cardio as before but also a great place to work on stabilization exercises for the core/shoulder/etc. during rest time between the super set

TRX Upper Body Push Workout (Advanced)

A1) TRX Incline Push-ups x8-12/side

A2) TRX Shoulder Walk x1 lap out and in slowly

A3) TRX Tricep Extensions x8-12 reps

--> Rest 60 seconds and then repeat for 2-3 more rounds. If looking for fat loss may also throw in 30 seconds of higher intensity cardio/sprinting in between rounds before resting

B1) Spiderman Pushup to Breakdancer x8 reps/side

B2) Around the World Press x3-4 rounds/side

--> Rest 60 seconds and then repeat for 2-3 more rounds. If looking for fat loss may also throw in 30 seconds of cardio as before but also a great place to work on stabilization exercises for the core/shoulder/etc. during rest time between the super set.

Give these exercises and workouts a run and let me know what you think!

Get after it.

-Joe Drake-

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